Hack JKLU v3.0

Hack JKLU v3.0

Devendra Parihar

Devendra Parihar

Lead Data Scientist, KainSkep

Rohit Mehta

Rohit Mehta

Head of Quality and Automation Testing, Pratham Software

Harshaditya Gaur

Harshaditya Gaur

Remote Sensing Engineer, BharatRohan Airborne Innovations

Vineet Sharma

Vineet Sharma

Associate Software Engineer, Celebal Technologies

Sparsh Agarwal

Sparsh Agarwal

Associate Software Engineer, CoinDCX

Sandhita Agarwal

Sandhita Agarwal



Rishabh Nag

Rishabh Nag

Devendra Parihar

Lead Data Scientist, KainSkep

Rohit Mehta

Head of Quality and Automation Testing, Pratham Software

Harshaditya Gaur

Remote Sensing Engineer, BharatRohan Airborne Innovations

Vineet Sharma

Associate Software Engineer, Celebal Technologies

Sparsh Agarwal

Associate Software Engineer, CoinDCX

Sandhita Agarwal
Rishabh Nag